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How to Make Healthier Southern Cooking Without Sacrificing Flavor

The Southwest is a melting pot of culture, so surely there must be some of you here who migrated from the Land of Dixie and still love your foods from back home. Thanks to modern trade and transportation, you don’t have to live in certain parts of the country to obtain the foods you’re accustomed to.

Face the Fats: 5 Tips for Reducing Bad Cholesterol

Fat and cholesterol are often confused in function. When you read food labels, you might see cholesterol as an enemy to be avoided in your diet, but it is necessary for cell maintenance, hormone regulation, fat digestion and nervous system functioning. We consume cholesterol in foods, but our liver also makes it from fat we consume.

6 Ways to Change to a Low Sodium Diet

Salt just wakes up the flavors of other food, so when your doctor says you have to start restricting your sodium intake you may feel like your favorite foods are doomed to “blahville” from here on out. The foods we usually eat, especially in restaurants and other convenience foods, are so cloaked in salt that we’re out of touch with their natural flavors. It is hard to think of holding back on the salt shaker to season food.

Are Sugar Substitutes Really Safe?

Americans have developed quite a sweet tooth over the past 100 years, particularly from 1970 on. People try to trim their calorie budget in a number of ways, but perhaps the most popular way these days is by cutting sugar. Sugar substitutes, also called non-nutritive sweeteners, have replaced fat reduction as a trend of dieting.

Five Ways to Achieve Healthier Hair, Nails and Skin

We tend to think superficially about the appearance of our hair, nails and skin; the “beauty trio”. We become sold on those alluring photos or commercials featuring models that showcase one of more of the “beauty trio” in favor of cosmetics or hair and nail products. Shimmering hair and glowing skin tempt us to rush out and buy the advertised products, hoping they will perform the same miracle for us.

Spring Cleaning for Your Body: How to Safely Cleanse and Revitalize Your Liver

Spring is a time of renewal for all of nature, a time of expansive energy and budding youth. Our bodies tick to the same biological clock as we are all part of the natural world.

Traditionally, we spend the winter eating heavy, fatty foods that are more difficult for our bodies to process, with our liver taking the brunt of the work. As your body’s main escape hatch for toxins, your liver will benefit from spring cleaning.

Seaweed: The Superfood of the Sea

Seaweed is more than just an exotic food. It provides a bounty of health-enhancing nutrients that sustain good health and even help heal disease. It has been enjoyed as a staple in Japan for centuries, but it is considered more of a specialty food to many Americans. Few foods that we consume regularly in America have the potential healing properties of seaweed. If you’ve never eaten sea vegetables, you’ve at least seen them in the Oriental foods aisle at your local grocer, and perhaps they piqued your curiosity.

Nut and Seed Butters: The Health-Conscious Consumer’s Guide

Nut and seed butters come in a prodigious variety of types, with about any nut you want to grind into creamy goodness being available. Almond, cashew, peanut, sesame, soy or sunflower butters are most familiar to us, but food manufacturers are offering more creative varieties such as almond-pecan, Brazil, or apricot kernel almond.
Nuts are excellent natural sources of the immunity-boosting antioxidant vitamin E, but they can be unhealthy when mishandled. Here are a few things to consider when purchasing a nut or seed butter for your eating enjoyment:

7 Foods that Boost Metabolism

Cellulite. Extra pounds. Flab. These are a few of today’s buzz words in the realm of diet and exercise. How to lose or maintain weight is a question so many of us have, and pharmaceutical companies and the food industry have answered with all kinds of diet shakes, super smoothies, magic pills and elixirs. Even being so well-armed we are still losing the battle of the bulge.

5 Foods with Hidden High Sugar

Sugarcane was first grown and harvested in about the 8th century B.C. in India, and people have used sugar as food since. Prior to that, the common sweetener was honey. We have come to be so infatuated with the sweet stuff in America today that we consume it like never before – sometimes without really being aware of it.
