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September 2017

Celebrate National Coffee Day with These Coffee Infused Foods

It’s a truth universally acknowledged that a mug of coffee in possession of the perfect blend of sugar and milk must be in want of a pastry. Of course, coffee in and of itself is the perfect pick me up and the best easy beginning to a Saturday morning, but, if you love all things coffee and always find yourself choosing the coffee flavored ice cream and coffee infused chocolate, then you’re in good company.

It’s All About that Squash

Move over, pumpkin - you aren’t the only squash in town. While pumpkin is the beloved flavor of fall (seriously, try finding something that’s not pumpkin-spiced this time of year), don’t forget the rest of the pumpkin family, especially squashes.

While actually considered fruit, pumpkins and squashes are extraordinarily versatile and can be used to make much more than just pie and sweet loaf breads. In fact, squashes can be made into almost anything. Whether you have a hankering for a creamy soup, pancakes, or risotto, squash can shine as the main ingredient.