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4 Ways to Celebrate National Nutrition Month

March is National Nutrition Month! While you should care about your health every month, March is a great opportunity to re-evaluate your health habits and see if there are any areas for improvement. Here are 4 ways to take advantage of National Nutrition Month and make some healthy changes in your life!

1. Learn where your food comes from.
Have you ever looked to see where your food is grown? Whether it’s meat, fruit, or veggies, it’s a good idea to look into the ethics of the brands you consume and learn where your food is coming from. A surprising number of companies do not treat their animals humanely, use harmful chemicals in the production process, or exploit human labor to harvest their crops.

Ethical food sourcing is good for our planet and better for you! Try to choose brands that have a history of paying their employees fairly, treating their animals well, and not using pesticides or other chemicals on their crops.

2. Be mindful about your eating habits.
How many of us are guilty of snacking just because we’re bored? This month, try to pay attention to when and how much you eat. There’s nothing wrong with eating because you’re hungry, but many times we eat past the point of fullness just for the sake of cleaning our plates or eat when we’re not hungry at all.

Before you snack, ask yourself: am I really hungry? If so, opt for a healthy snack like fruit, veggies, or nuts. If you’re not really hungry, try to find an activity to alleviate your boredom.

When you do eat, pay attention to your portion sizes and eat slowly so your food has a chance to digest. You’ll likely find you need to eat less than you think to feel full, and you won’t feel stuffed afterward.

3. Try a new physical activity.
Exercise can be boring if you fall into the same routine day in and day out, but physical activity is an important part of your overall health. This month, try to get active in a new way! Maybe you’ve always wanted to take up jogging or start a Zumba class. This is the time to get inspired and try something new.

Outdoor activity can be especially great if you’re someone who hates exercise. Go for a long walk or bike ride around the neighborhood. You don’t have to do high-intensity activity for your exercise to benefit you – it’s perfectly fine to take it slow!

4. Plan out your meals.
Too often, we make unhealthy meal choices because we’re hungry and don’t have a healthy alternative on hand. This month, try to plan out your weekly meals in advance so you’re prepared for anything.

Stock up on healthy snacks at the grocery store and buy your meal ingredients in ahead of time. This prevents the last-minute scramble that so frequently results in us making boxed instant foods or other unhealthy dinners just because we’re too hungry or tired to go to the store.

Whether you make it a point to live a healthy lifestyle or not, March is a great time to make small changes that add up to big differences over time. By slowly shifting your habits, you can transform your entire attitude about healthy living and make choices that are better for your body.
