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July 2015

5 Healthy Foods to Eat on a Budget

Many people who shop for groceries on a budget unintentionally short change their health by getting low-cost, processed canned meat, white bread, and other fat and sugar-filled refined products. Frozen dinner entrees for a buck may seem like such a good deal, but these food items really don’t save you money because just one of them is rarely satiating.

Make no mistake, healthy, balanced diets cost less to maintain than you think!

5 Terrific Fruits to Enjoy This Summer

Summer offers a bounty of fresh fruits like no other time of the year. Most of our favorite fresh fruits are coming into their peak season, which is mid and late summer. Some of the most delicious foods that cross your lips yield enormous health benefits when you eat your daily allowances.

Here are 5 awesome summer season fruits burgeoning with nutrition and flavor for your enjoyment:

7 Ways to Keep Hydrated Everyday

Dry summer heat drives us to think more about staying hydrated, but so many people still want to grab one of those over-sized, super thirst quenchers over a glass of “sky juice”. Even then, many of us aren’t prompted to grab a drink until we are already extremely thirsty. As the winter months run their course, we become dehydrated without realizing it. The cooler temperatures tend to be deceitful as we are not as likely to pay as much attention to thirst.

If you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated!