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March 2015

Spring Cleaning for Your Body: How to Safely Cleanse and Revitalize Your Liver

Spring is a time of renewal for all of nature, a time of expansive energy and budding youth. Our bodies tick to the same biological clock as we are all part of the natural world.

Traditionally, we spend the winter eating heavy, fatty foods that are more difficult for our bodies to process, with our liver taking the brunt of the work. As your body’s main escape hatch for toxins, your liver will benefit from spring cleaning.

Seaweed: The Superfood of the Sea

Seaweed is more than just an exotic food. It provides a bounty of health-enhancing nutrients that sustain good health and even help heal disease. It has been enjoyed as a staple in Japan for centuries, but it is considered more of a specialty food to many Americans. Few foods that we consume regularly in America have the potential healing properties of seaweed. If you’ve never eaten sea vegetables, you’ve at least seen them in the Oriental foods aisle at your local grocer, and perhaps they piqued your curiosity.