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February 2015

Nut and Seed Butters: The Health-Conscious Consumer’s Guide

Nut and seed butters come in a prodigious variety of types, with about any nut you want to grind into creamy goodness being available. Almond, cashew, peanut, sesame, soy or sunflower butters are most familiar to us, but food manufacturers are offering more creative varieties such as almond-pecan, Brazil, or apricot kernel almond.
Nuts are excellent natural sources of the immunity-boosting antioxidant vitamin E, but they can be unhealthy when mishandled. Here are a few things to consider when purchasing a nut or seed butter for your eating enjoyment:

7 Foods that Boost Metabolism

Cellulite. Extra pounds. Flab. These are a few of today’s buzz words in the realm of diet and exercise. How to lose or maintain weight is a question so many of us have, and pharmaceutical companies and the food industry have answered with all kinds of diet shakes, super smoothies, magic pills and elixirs. Even being so well-armed we are still losing the battle of the bulge.